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The Other Woman

VanDam-constructionThe boatyard was crazy busy over the summer months, and now it’s time for a much-anticipated break. With Jacob starting sixth grade, and the season winding down my husband, Gary and father-in-law Ivan, have their sights set on getting back to the project they started last April.

Both reluctantly put their project on hold when the 2016 season became one of Brownell’s busiest ever. Although they had hoped to see the rewards of their labor long before now – the daily job of operating the boatyard took every hour of the long summer days.

Gary is a master craftsman and boat builder. Ivan grew up with boats all of his life and knows them inside and out. Unlike myself, who has been known to call roadside assistance when my bicycle gets a flat, they know their way around creating and crafting a fine piece of workmanship. And that’s why they decided to build a wooden boat.

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